
Kim Crayton Twitter speaker

What is Community Engineering?

All too often, efforts for creating more inclusive communities are not successful because of 3 major assumptions held by community members: 1. “They know who we are” 2. “They know what we do” 3. “They will figure it out” Let’s explore strategies that can be used to overcome the obstacles related to the 3 assumptions standing in the way of community growth.


Kim, a Community Engineer, has years of experience working with learners of all ages, skill level, and abilities. She is now using her knowledge to develop technical people, ideas, organizations, and communities. Her current efforts focus on creating environments that support the sharing of common attitudes, interests, and goals. She is the past co-organizer of CodeNewbie-Atlanta, founder of JrDevMentoring, author of the "Tech Talk For Non-Techies" blog, KimCrayton1 on, and a contributor to the Hypepotamus newsletter. Kim is currently pursuing a Doctors of Business Administration - Technology Entrepreneurship. Her doctoral study topic is: “Strategies some software development managers use to effectively mentor junior software developers.” She is also working on her passion projects The ABC’s of Coding, Tech Talk For Non-Techies, #MentoringMinute,, @100000Intros and @TheSpectrumCode