
Anjana Vakil Twitter speaker

Immutable data structures for functional JS

Functional programming - programming without side effects or in-place changes to data - has great advantages, especially in JS. Unfortunately, never mutating data can lead to efficiency problems. We'll see how immutable, or persistent, data structures provide an elegant solution, and take a hands-on look at some libraries that make it easy to use these superpowered data structures in our JS projects.


Anjana suffers from a debilitating case of curiosity, which led her from philosophy to English teaching to computational linguistics to software development. She can usually be found coding in Berlin or San Francisco; that is, when she's not speaking at events around the world, trying to share the joy of programming and make tech a more diverse and accessible industry. Talk to her about functional programming, language design, and speech technology; ask her about Mozilla, Outreachy, and the Recurse Center!